HEJ, HU ISSN 1418-7108 Manuscript no.: ANM-991102-A
In real life there are a lot of systems, which are very difficult to
describe. Handling them is usually very complicated,
in a lot of cases we are not able to give correct answers even to easy
However, questions concerning the safety of the systems are very
important. These problems are examined by the
theory of safety-critical systems. The newest and probably most important
results about this theory can be found e.g. in [2] and [5].
In spite of the many references, there are no universal results, which
examine these systems from rigorous mathematical point of view.
In this paper we describe a mathematical model to compute the "closeness"
of critical (dangerous) conditions in safety-critical systems, using graphs.
The theory of the distance and probability model described below is a hopeful
new result. In some simple cases we examine the possibility of practical
applications, too.
Handling these systems usually needs concurrent programming approach,
details and some general problems can be found e.g. in [1] and [4].
To describe concurrent systems, besides the graphs there are some other
structures. A possible improvement can be, if we discuss the validity of our
results in some special graph models.
We will revert to this question in a subsequent paper.
| HEJ, HU ISSN 1418-7108 Manuscript no.: ANM-991102-A