INF articles/cikkek

INF-030523-A Gergely Babos ERP ASP Solution in Hungary
INF-030530-A András Bozány An approach for the integration of central and on-site conservation systems
INF-030530-B András Bozány Integration of Building Automation Systems and Facility Information Systems
INF-030530-C Josef Csicsman - Cecília Fényes Developing the Microsimulation Service System
INF-030512-C Kristof Szabo Life Outside the Branches
INF-030512-D Balazs Vegh The Microsimulation System
INF-060621-A András Bozány Impacts of the IT hardware development on the Facility Management processes
INF-060621-B András Bozány Heritage site area type classification for Facility Management purposes
INF-080514-A Gombor Anita and Vas Liliana A nation- and gendered-based study about the relationship between the Big Five and motives for Internet use: A Hungarian and Israeli comparison
INF-080514-B Gombor Anita and Vas Liliana Differences between motives for Internet use and life satisfaction among Hungarian and Israeli medical students
INF-090305-A Borbély Éva The early history of computers in the Hungarian economy
INF-100925-A J. D. Mallapur, S. S. Manvi, D. H. Rao Fuzzy based buffer management in wireless multimedia networks