HEJ, HU ISSN 1418-7108
Manuscript no.: ANM-980724-A
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The model problems and the domains

Here we consider exclusively the Poisson equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions:

\mbox{Find }\: u(x) \in H^1_o ( \Omega ) : \qquad
... = \,
\int_{\Omega} f v \qquad \forall v \in H^1_o ( \Omega )

and $\Omega$ being a bounded two-dimensional domain with Lipschitz-continuous boundary $\,\Gamma = \partial \Omega$. By means of the usual linear triangular finite element discretization we obtain a system of linear equations $ \; K \; \underline{u} \; = \; \underline{f} \;$ with a symmetric and positive definite matrix $K$.

In this paper we consider two model problems. The model problem 1 is given by the differential equation mentioned above and the domain $\Omega$ consisting of two unit squares. This domain is shown in Figure 1 which also illustrates some terms to be introduced later.

Figure 1: Model problem 1 (triangulation and subdomains)
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The model problem analysis is performed exclusively on this model problem 1. For numerical experiments we also use the model problem 2. The corresponding domain $\Omega$ and the subdomains $\Omega_i$ are depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Model problem 2
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For a further (real life) problem the reader is referred to [20].

HEJ, HU ISSN 1418-7108
Manuscript no.: ANM-980724-A
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