The neccessary power of formingThe power requirement of forming is composed as a sum of two components:where is the pure power requirement of forming, while is the friction power which arises between the contact surfaces of the piece and the pressure plates. Calculation of components see [3] for details:
where comparative deformation velocity can be computed from deformation velocity components . In case of axisymmetric piece we getget: The values of deformation velocity components are as follows: Taking into account that the piece is in contact with the die in two sides, and, , the friction power can be expressed as follows: For the sake of simplicity we perform the calculations for solid cylindrical pieces at . A similar example solution is available in [8]. Equation (18) takes the following simple scalar form: The value of comparative deformaition velocity can be expressed from (20, 21, 22, 23) as: From equations (5, 6, 7), we obtain: , so the introduced velocity field satisfies the condition of incompressibility. The comparative deformation velocity come the components of power, can be expressed in the following form: The total power can be determined from the velocity and the mean force , acting on contact surface. So the power requirement of forming is: Equation (28) can be derived also by the average stress method, and is known as Siebel-formula (see [2,3]). If , the velocity field changes according to the actual value of . Best value of bz the upper bound method minimiyes the following function. In the case of the exprressions for the power are more complicated, because initial conditions (11, 12) are also more complicated, and Calculations were performed by using mathematical software MapleV (see [9]), see also [1] for a similar industrial applications. |