HEJ, HU ISSN 1418-7108 Manuscript no.: ANM-981030-A
In the following, we always assume that
and all interfaces between different materials are sufficiently smooth
(e.g. piecewise from ).
We use the standard Sobolev spaces (cf. e.g., [7])
and equipped with the norm
and the scalar product ,
and the space
Next, we define the space with
and Einstein's summation convention is applied to indices and ,
It is a standard result that is a norm of
The following lemma (cf. [6]) allows us to represent the norm
of the
Lemma 1
For all
 the equation
(16) |
. We rewrite the
as follows
and after having applied partial integration twice we arrive at
(17) |
is dense in
equation (16) holds for all
Let us discuss further spaces, cf. [4].
We define
It is proved in [7] that
We remark that
has a zero trace of the normal component on
, whereas
has a zero trace of the tangential component.
Therefore, the space
seems to be appropriate to
the flux line boundary condition, cf. (12).
Since we are interested in formulating a gauge condition
that involves the divergence of the vector potential,
we introduce the space
(18) |
equipped with the norm
(19) |
>From [7], we have the following results.
Lemma 2
Assume that  is bounded, Lipschitz-continuous, simply-connected
and  has just one component.
Then there exists a positive constant  such that
Proof. See [7], Lemma 3.4.
Lemma 3
Assume that  is bounded, Lipschitz-continuous, simply-connected
and  has just one component.
Then, the seminorm
(20) |
is a norm in Y, too.
Proof. Lemma 3 is a direct consequence of Lemma 2.
The next lemma requires more than the standard assumptions
for technical magnetic field problems.
Indeed, electromagnetic devices may have re-entrant corners.
Therefore, we will not base our further investigations on Lemma 4.
Lemma 4
Assume further that either  has a
or  is a convex polyhedron. Then  is continuously
imbedded in  .
Proof. See [7], Theorem 3.7.
| HEJ, HU ISSN 1418-7108 Manuscript no.: ANM-981030-A